Our Governance Teams
Our Governance consists of two teams: The Vision & Values Team and The Policy Team. If you are interested in participating in any leadership role, please contact Pastor AJ.
The Vision & Values Team is composed of leadership from each of our local communities / congregations. This Team will serve three year terms and be appointed by consensus between the local community / congregation leadership and the BridgesUU Professional Team.
The Policy Team is composed of long time committed Unitarian Universalists and community leaders who are in sympathy with BridgesUU’s Vision and Values. This Team will serve two year terms and will be nominated by the Professional Team and appointed by the Vision and Values Team.
Our Vision & Values Team

AJ Blackwood

Lisa Bailey
Progressive Interfaith Alliance

Aspen Basaldua
The Mountain Top UU

Christine Yoshinaga-Itano
The Mountain Top UU

Lia Nagase
The Mountain Top UU

Nicole Thibadeaux
The Mountain Top UU
The Vision & Values Team aims to ensure that BridgesUU’s Vision and Values remain on course as we look ahead to BridgesUU’s growth and development.
This is accomplished by striving to live in covenant and right relation by building the Beloved Community locally and globally. The underlying goal for BridgesUU’s culture is to maintain loving relationships, respect, listen, hear, and understand perspectives of all by truly understanding grievances, compassionately identifying agreement, compassionately identifying disagreement; seeking consensus, developing a mutually respectful action plan which maintains / restores loving relationship, implements the action plan, and evaluates the effectiveness of the plan for achieving the goal.
In the hope to create a safe space for all participants of our community to be engaged in open and candid dialogue, this Team is charged with setting priorities, assessing the entire ministry, providing constructive feedback and criticism, and making recommendations to our Professional and Policy Teams.
Our Policy Team

Rev Dr Karen Stoyanoff
The Policy Team aims to ensure the success of BridgesUU, acting as trustees of BridgesUU on behalf of the local communities / congregations, their memberships, and other stakeholders.
This is accomplished by acting in accordance with Unitarian Universalist and BridgesUU values. This Team has oversight and responsibility to fulfill fiduciary care and guard against undue risk. In collaboration with the Vision and Values and Professional teams, this Team will set and manage policy development for BridgesUU. Additionally, this Team is responsible for oversight of fundraising for BridgesUU. Each member of this Team is asked to individually raise $5000.00 annually in support of BridgesUU.
In hope to create a safe space for all participants of our community to be engaged in transparency and equity of power, this Team is charged with serving the community with diligence, welcome, cooperation, consensus, and fidelity to BridgesUU.